Situs Pengusaha

Design Interior

Innoveam Indonesia
Rp5.000.000 - 8.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 25/05/2023 oleh Dimas
Responsible for designing and developing the concept from principal designer (Layout, Sketch Up 3D modelling and Material specification) completely on schedule
Prepare presentation, drawings and material board and do the presentation to client
Acting as 3D Artist as well (Develop 3D designs for new projects; Review and enhance 3D designs for existing projects; Manage documentation of both new and revised 3D designs)
Understand the project requirements and develop high quality design accordingly
Develop design layouts for complex projects using Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools
Graduated from Art / Design / Creative Multimedia from reputable University
Minimum 2 years in Interior Design consultant experiences
Good in 3D Sketch Up (Modelling), Auto Cad, Photoshop, Illustrator
Knowledge of 3D Max + V-Ray and software applications such as CAD, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw is a must
Needs to be creative, resourceful, innovative and proactive
Capable to work under tight deadlines
Good command in English (spoken and written) is a plus
Lokasi Kantor
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Innoveam Indonesia
Teknologi,10-30 karyawan
Innoveam Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang multimedia dan instalasi interaktif berbasis teknologi. Fokus utama kami adalah data visualization di dunia entertainment dan edukasi, seperti science center, museum, dan training center
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