Situs Pengusaha

Daily Worker Server

Levins Catering
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 30/05/2023 oleh Ben
• Provide excellent customer services
• Greet customers and present menus
• Make suggestions based on their preferences
• Take and serve food/drinks orders
• Keep tables clean and tidy at all times
• Deliver checks and collect payments
• Cooperate and communicate with all serving and kitchen staff
• Adhere to all relevant health department rules/regulations and all customer service guidelines
• Minimal High School/Vocational School
• Preferably experienced in the same field
• Able to speak in English fluently
• Good interpersonal communication
• Well groomed and discipline
• Healthy and hard worker
Lokasi Kantor
Bekasi Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat
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Levins Catering
Makanan Minuman,10-30 karyawan
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