Situs Pengusaha

Daily Worker Front Officer

Singgah Villas Seminyak
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 03/01/2024 oleh Pak Agus
Pengalaman kerja
0-1 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
20-30 tahun
Detail & Bertanggung Jawab,Serius & Detail,Setia & Jujur,Multitasking,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik
1. Booking reservations.
2. Registering guests to empty rooms.
3. Set rates and rooms.
4. Professional guest advisor.
5. Maintain and settle guest accounts.
6. Maintain guest history records.
Qualification :
1. Which have a similiar background field, experiences are not necessary but it will be an advantageous
2. Education requirement, Minimum high school education / Diploma 3 depending on the job position
3. Able To Communicate both spoken and written English
4. Love working in a team
5. Well organised, open minded, self motivated, and result oriented
6. Have a good working attitude and respect each other ammong the teammates
Lokasi Kantor
Kuta, Badung, Bali
Abouts Us
Singgah Villas Seminyak
Perhotelan,30-300 karyawan
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