Situs Pengusaha

Content Writer

Dentsu Aegis Network Indonesia
Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 10/07/2023 oleh
The purpose of this role is to support conceptualizing and realizing ideas through a comprehensive use of language and the written word. They have the ability to think in a holistic way about how an idea comes to life through all creative channels of a consumer experience. Develops language and copy in short form and long form to establish the tonality of ideas alongside senior team members and management.Job Title:Content WriterJob Description:Key responsibilities:Drafts narratives, scripts and storyboards, annotations and treatmentsExpresses ideas with clarity; on brand; on message and targeted to audiencePresents ideas to the internal teamComprehends and understands brand continuity, brand guidelines and brand positioningCreatively supports the effective use of technology and its applications to solve business problemsContributes work to pitchesDrives, defines and feeds back on: quality of briefs, regular reviews, feedback channels, creative quality and collaborationProactively identifies opportunities for creative work to be performed for clients, with guidance from seniors and directorsSupports the execution of creative concepts together with Art Director at the direction of the creative directorLocation:Jakarta - Menara Sentraya BuildingBrand:Dwi SaptaTime Type:Full timeContract Type:Fixed Term Contract (Fixed Term)-
Lokasi Kantor
Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
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{ "id": "1678367099738501163", "userJobId": "0052983", "jobTitle": "Content Writer", "jobClassification": "203012", "jobClassificationName": "Digital Marketing", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": null, "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.845599", "latitude": "-6.2087634", "confidential": 1, "commission": null, "smartInvitation": 0, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": null, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "", "jobDescription": "The purpose of this role is to support conceptualizing and realizing ideas through a comprehensive use of language and the written word. They have the ability to think in a holistic way about how an idea comes to life through all creative channels of a consumer experience. 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"mapProvinceName": "Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta", "mapCityName": "Jakarta Selatan", "mapCountyName": "Pesanggrahan", "jobDescriptionSuffix": "", "jobDescriptionPrefix": "The purpose of this role is to support conceptualizing and realizing ideas through a comprehensive use of language and the written word. They have the ability to think in a holistic way about how an idea comes to life through all creative channels of a consumer experience. Develops language and copy in short form and long form to establish the tonality of ideas alongside senior team members and management.Job Title:Content WriterJob Description:Key responsibilities:Drafts narratives, scripts and storyboards, annotations and treatmentsExpresses ideas with clarity; on brand; on message and targeted to audiencePresents ideas to the internal teamComprehends and understands brand continuity, brand guidelines and brand positioningCreatively supports the effective use of technology and its applications to solve business problemsContributes work to pitchesDrives, defines and feeds back on: quality of briefs, regular reviews, feedback channels, creative quality and collaborationProactively identifies opportunities for creative work to be performed for clients, with guidance from seniors and directorsSupports the execution of creative concepts together with Art Director at the direction of the creative directorLocation:Jakarta - Menara Sentraya BuildingBrand:Dwi SaptaTime Type:Full timeContract Type:Fixed Term Contract (Fixed Term)-", "jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "The purpose of this role is to support conceptualizing and realizing ideas through a comprehensive use of language and the written word. They have the ability to think in a holistic way about how an idea comes to life through all creative channels of a consumer experience. 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