Situs Pengusaha

Content Creator

Rp3.000.000 - 4.500.000/bulan
Jakarta Utara
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 22/02/2023 oleh Cris
Job Responsibilities:
Write, edit and update content for company social media platform, websites, blogs, marketing materials, and similar platforms
Ability to execute post-production tasks such as video editing
Ensuring consistency across all content, from websites to social media channels and videos
Maintaining a calendar of project deadlines and content launch dates
Use social media to engage consumers, respond to questions or complaints, and to promote company initiatives.
Collaborate with internal departments to establish campaign objectives, complete tasks, and identify and solve problems.
Monitor social media and company website metrics
Job Requirements:
Candidate must have at least a , or equivalent in a related field
<1/2/3> years of work experience in a related field preferred
Must have spoken and written
Must have knowledge of
Able to work well with different teams in the organization
Ability to multitask and possess practical time management skills
Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills
Strong storytelling, writing and editing skills
Lokasi Kantor
Pademangan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta
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Pademangan Ii & Gg. 22, Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14410, Indonesia.(Jl. Pademangan 2 No 5 Gang 22 Jakarta Utara )", "areaLocationNew": "Pademangan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta", "chatStatus": null, "chatUpdateFmt": null, "chatTime": null, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "203012003", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Content Creator/Pembuat Konten", "jobRequirementsV3": [], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }