Situs Pengusaha

Clinical Application Specialist - Ultrasound

Rp8.000.000 - 12.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Timur
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 15/08/2023 oleh Fuad
- Acting as the knowledge point for customers to glean maximum value from Zoncare products
- Liaising with hospitals to arrange and manage clinical evaluations, installations, and post-sales clinical support
- To our customers, you will be the product expert, educating them in the effective operation of our products
- Offering customer guidance on workflow design based on the clinical setting (General Imaging, radiology,4D performance and private hospitals&clinics etc.)
- Working with customers to define clinical configurations to enable safe and appropriate use
- Identify and communicate internally opportunities for business growth
- Work with the sales & marketing team within the area to generate profitable sales of Zoncare devices.
- Communicating at all levels, tailoring content to the relevant audience to ensure the training is fully understood
- Working with multiple stakeholders to effectively plan and execute projects on time and to customer expectations
- Keep clinical, technical and market knowledge up to date.
- Contributing toc the design and development of product resources such as user guides, competency frameworks and training presentations
- Manage and maintain timely training records
- Clinical Application Specialist within the Ultrasound essential
- Demonstrate experience of working autonomously
- Natural team member working to achieve shared objectives
- Fluent in English, written and verbal
- Clearly articulates desire to work for Zoncare, an agile, double digit growth business to drive your career forward at pace
- General Imaging,radiology,4D performance and private hospitals&clinics experience highly desired
- Showcase previous demonstrations and clinical training skills
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- As English is our business language – please submit your CV and application in English-
Lokasi Kantor
Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Ritel,30-300 karyawan
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