Situs Pengusaha

Cashier (Wine Stop)

Dwimitra Group
Rp3.000.000 - 3.500.000/bulan
Jakarta Utara
Penuh Waktu
100 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 06/01/2025 oleh Wilati Wulandari
Pengalaman kerja
0-1 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
Jenis Kelamin
Kerja Tim,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Berorientasi Pada Pelanggan
1. Transaction Processing:
   - Accurately handle cash, card, and digital transactions.
   - Issue receipts, process payments, and manage the cash register.
2. Customer Service:
   - Greet customers and assist them with inquiries about products, especially wines.
   - Provide excellent service by answering customer questions and offering recommendations.
3. Wine Knowledge:
   - Develop a strong understanding of wine products to assist customers in their selections.
   - Stay updated on product offerings, promotions, and wine-related information.
4. Cash Register Management
   - Balance the cash register at the end of each shift.
   - Maintain accurate records of sales, voids, and refunds.
5. Inventory and Store Maintenance
   - Assist with stock management, including restocking and reporting low inventory.
   - Keep the cashier area and store clean and organized.
Lokasi Kantor
Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Dwimitra Group
Makanan Minuman,30-300 karyawan
Dwimitra is a Group Company of several companies engaged in the F&B Lifestyles industry since 2012, Dwimitra following business fields are: • Distributor of Wine & Spirits (PT DSP) • Importir Wine & Spirits (PT SMS) PT Natural Alam Indah (NAI) • Papa Rich's Malaysian Cuisine Restaurant • Kluuckee Singaporean Cuisine Restaurant • Wine Stop - Wine Bar • Growell (Supermarket) Wholefoods and Bistro
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{ "id": "1854096148978323552", "userJobId": "0107235", "jobTitle": "Cashier (Wine Stop)", "jobClassification": "203008", "jobClassificationName": "Penjualan Ritel/Eceran", "jobType": 1, "jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu", "employmentStatus": null, "employmentStatusName": null, "benefits": "", "experinceReq": null, "experinceReqName": null, "longitude": "106.76070845948", "latitude": "-6.1171337549693", "confidential": 0, "commission": 0, "smartInvitation": 1, "salaryMin": null, "salaryMax": 3500000, "salaryMinStr": "", "salaryMaxStr": "3.500.000", "settlementMethod": null, "settlementMethodName": "-", "unit": 2, "unitName": "Rp", "jobDescription": "1. Transaction Processing:\n   - Accurately handle cash, card, and digital transactions.\n   - Issue receipts, process payments, and manage the cash register.\n2. Customer Service:\n   - Greet customers and assist them with inquiries about products, especially wines.\n   - Provide excellent service by answering customer questions and offering recommendations.\n3. Wine Knowledge:\n   - Develop a strong understanding of wine products to assist customers in their selections.\n   - Stay updated on product offerings, promotions, and wine-related information.\n4. Cash Register Management\n   - Balance the cash register at the end of each shift.\n   - Maintain accurate records of sales, voids, and refunds.\n5. Inventory and Store Maintenance\n   - Assist with stock management, including restocking and reporting low inventory.\n   - Keep the cashier area and store clean and organized.\n", "salaryName": null, "educationalBackground": 3, "educationalBackgroundName": "SMA/MA", "location": "Jalan Pantai Indah Kapuk, Arcade Business Center, 6th Floor, Penjaringan, Jakarta 14470", "status": 1, "hidden": 0, "ageReq": -1, "companyId": "1397922133879094790", "company": { "id": "1397922133879094790", "name": "Dwimitra Group", "shortName": "", "logoUrl": "", "banner1Url": "", "banner2Url": "", "scaleCode": "3", "scaleName": "30-300 karyawan", "location": "Jalan Pantai Indah Kapuk, Arcade Business Center, 6th Floor, Penjaringan, Jakarta 14470", "introduction": "Dwimitra is a Group Company of several companies engaged in the F&B Lifestyles industry since 2012, Dwimitra following business fields are:\n•\tDistributor of Wine & Spirits (PT DSP) \n• Importir Wine & Spirits (PT SMS) \n\nPT Natural Alam Indah (NAI)\n•\tPapa Rich's Malaysian Cuisine Restaurant\n•\tKluuckee Singaporean Cuisine Restaurant\n•\tWine Stop - Wine Bar\n•\tGrowell (Supermarket) Wholefoods and Bistro", "areaName": "Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta", "nibNumber": "", "compnyTelphone": "85147285599", "companyEmail": "", "companyIndustryCategory": "1", "companyIndustryCategoryName": "Makanan Minuman", "nibCode": null, "nibCodeName": null, "introductionImg": ",,,,,", "locationName": null, "longitude": "106.76070845948", "latitude": "-6.1171337549693", "areaId": 0, "postal": "14470", "provinceId": 31, "countyId": 3175010, "areaSelectType": 3, "cityId": 3175, "provinceName": "Dki Jakarta", "cityName": "Jakarta Utara", "countyName": "Penjaringan", "kbliKode": "", "kbliName": "", "site": "", "createUserId": 1842826131586424800, "updateUserId": 1842826131586424800, "status": 5, "workTimeCode": "" }, "viewCount": 0, "postCount": 0, "cityId": "3175", "createTime": "2024-11-06 16:39:04", "userId": "1842826131582230577", "createUserId": "1842826131586424885", "createUserName": "Wilati Wulandari", "createUserPhoneNum": "85147285599", "createUserHeadPortrait": "", "duty": "Recruitment Specialist", "updateTime": "2025-01-06 15:26:02", "updateUserId": "1842826131586424885", "postal": "14470", "areaName": "Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta", "intention": 0, "salary": 3000000, "jobVacancy": 100, "provinceId": "31", "countyId": "3175010", "provinceName": "Dki Jakarta", "cityName": "Jakarta Utara", "countyName": "Penjaringan", "workFromHome": 0, "jobRequiredTypeList": [], "employerType": 1, "salaryUnit": 4, "salaryUnitName": "bulan", "createTimeFormat": "6 Nov 2024", "updateTimeFormat": "06/01/2025", "createTimeFormat1": "6 Nov 2024, 16:39 WIB", "updateTimeFormat1": "6 Jan 2025, 15:26 WIB", "genderReq": 1, "ageMinReq": 0, "ageMaxReq": 0, "genderReqName": "Pria", "areaSelectType": 3, "salaryFormat": "3.000.000", "distance": null, "listRequiredValue": null, "userRoleStatus": 1, "blackStatus": 0, "vacanced": null, "offeredNum": null, "workDateStart": null, "workDateStartFormat": null, "workTimeFormat": null, "workDateEnd": null, "workDateEndFormat": null, "workTimeStart": null, "workTimeEnd": null, "workDayOff": "", "workTotalDay": null, "workTotalSalary": null, "applyDeadLine": null, "applyDeadLineFmt": null, "offerOrApplyInfoRes": { "id": null, "status": -1, "optime": null, "optimeFormat": null, "reason": null, "jobTitle": "Cashier (Wine Stop)", "jobType": 1, "currentStatus": -1 }, "vacancies": 100, "virtualOfferedNum": null, "virtualVacancy": 100, "virtualVacancies": null, "applied": null, "offered": null, "declined": null, "rejected": null, "totalRecordNum": 0, "averageScore": 0, "badgeId": null, "questionsId": null, "questionSelectType": null, "badgeName": null, "badgeLogo": null, "questionsName": null, "questionsNameList": null, "heightMinReq": 0, "heightMaxReq": 0, "weightMinReq": 0, "weightMaxReq": 0, "kupuJob": 0, "badgeLevelName": null, "badgeLevelCode": null, "addressReq": null, "addressReqName": null, "experienceMinReq": 0, "experienceMaxReq": 1, "verifyReq": null, "videoIntroductionReq": null, "jobRequirements": [ "SMA/MA", "Pria", "Semua usia", "0-1 tahun", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "jpInvitationCode": null, "skillReq": null, "skillReqName": null, "jobApproveLogResList": null, "editFields": null, "reason": null, "delTime": null, "updateUserName": null, "shortlistNum": null, "transferLogList": null, "optTime": null, "salaryRangeFmt": "3.000.000 - 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Inventory and Store Maintenance\n   - Assist with stock management, including restocking and reporting low inventory.\n   - Keep the cashier area and store clean and organized.\n", "areaLocation": "Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta.(Jalan Pantai Indah Kapuk, Arcade Business Center, 6th Floor, Penjaringan, Jakarta 14470)", "areaLocationNew": "Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta", "chatStatus": 1, "chatUpdateFmt": "Aktif 1 hari yang lalu", "chatTime": 1736852330000, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [ "SMA/MA", "0-1 tahun", "Kerja Tim", "Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik", "Berorientasi Pada Pelanggan", "Pria", "Semua usia", "Tinggi badan tidak dibatasi", "Berat badan tidak dibatasi" ], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "203008001", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Kasir", "jobRequirementsV3": [ { "key": "work_experience", "name": "Pengalaman kerja", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "0-1 tahun", "type": 1 }, { "key": "education", "name": "Pendidikan", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Minimal SMA/MA", "type": 1 }, { "key": "gender", "name": "Jenis Kelamin", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Pria", "type": 1 }, { "key": "skills", "name": "Keahlian", "icon": "", "readStatusIcon": null, "value": "Kerja Tim,Kemampuan Komunikasi Baik,Berorientasi Pada Pelanggan", "type": 2 } ], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }