Situs Pengusaha

Business Development Specialist

Rp6.000.000 - 7.000.000/bulan   + Ekstra Komisi
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
3 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 21/08/2024 oleh Hanna Simanjuntak
Pengalaman kerja
3-10 tahun
Minimal S1
Jenis Kelamin
18-35 tahun
Berorientasi Pada Pelanggan,Rajin & Tahan Tekanan,Mencari Pelanggan Baru,Setia & Jujur
Job Responsibilities:
Responsible for technical product sales
Learn and understand company’s products and services
Prepare and deliver technical presentations, explaining products or services to customers and/or prospective customers
Acquire and manage projects or regular maintenance order of products
Maintain good relationship with customers
Attend after-sales support calls and service activities
Perform on-site testing services
Work closely with the Sales and Marketing Team to prepare sales and marketing related material
Prepare sales reports by collecting, analysing, and summarising sales information
Develop and maintain good relationships with customers
Job Requirements :
Female Under 35 years old
Candidate must have at least a , or equivalent in
3 years of work experience in a related field preferred
Must have spoken and written
Must have experience with
Able to deliver presentation to customer and integrate technical knowledge and selling skills
Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills
Good in pricing and negotiating skills
Has own transport and willing to travel
Ability to work independently with minimum supervision
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu, Kontrak
Panjang kontrak: 12 bulan
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah Rumah: Tangerang: Melakukan pulang-pergi kerja dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengganggu kinerja atau berencana pindah tempat tinggal sebelum mulai bekerja (Diwajibkan)
Lokasi Kantor
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
Lainnya,10-30 karyawan
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