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"userJobId": "0042225",
"jobTitle": "Barista",
"jobClassification": "206001",
"jobClassificationName": "Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran",
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"jobTypeName": "Penuh Waktu",
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"jobDescription": "•\tWelcoming customers, informing them about specials or new items, answering questions, and accepting orders and payments.\n•\tPreparing foods, such as sandwiches or baked goods, and grinding and blending coffee beans, brewing coffee and tea, and serving items to customers.\n•\tPackaging food and beverages for sale.\n•\tSelling coffee and tea blends and brewing equipment, highlighting the differences between items, and educating customers about brewing methods.\n•\tCleaning and restocking work and dining areas, emptying trash and sanitizing equipment and utensils.\n•\tLearning about brewing methods, beverage blends, food preparation, and presentation techniques to improve food quality.\n•\tUpdating signage and displays to attract customers.\n•\tTaking inventory and replenishing items in display cases, at tables, or behind the counter.\n•\tWorking as part of a fun, high-energy team.\n\nBARISTA/BARTENDER\n•\tPeople person, customer-oriented, charming and entertaining\n•\tResponsible, trustworthy, organised and a strong team player\n•\tFluent in English\n•\tFast & efficient, possess high attention to detail\n•\tPassionate about food and beverage, high level of hygiene\n•\tBartenders: highly skilled in mixing, garnishing and serving drinks, possess some wine knowledge & highly knowledgeable of current cocktail trends",
"salaryName": null,
"educationalBackground": 4,
"educationalBackgroundName": "SMK/MAK",
"location": "Jl. Tugu No.3, Kauman, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65119",
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"companyIndustryCategoryName": "Lainnya",
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"mapCountyName": "Kec. Klojen",
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"jobDescriptionPrefix": "•\tWelcoming customers, informing them about specials or new items, answering questions, and accepting orders and payments.\n•\tPreparing foods, such as sandwiches or baked goods, and grinding and blending coffee beans, brewing coffee and tea, and serving items to customers.\n•\tPackaging food and beverages for sale.\n•\tSelling coffee and tea blends and brewing equipment, highlighting the differences between items, and educating customers about brewing methods.\n•\tCleaning and restocking work and dining areas, emptying trash and sanitizing equipment and utensils.\n•\tLearning about brewing methods, beverage blends, food preparation, and presentation techniques to improve food quality.\n•\tUpdating signage and displays to attract customers.\n•\tTaking inventory and replenishing items in display cases, at tables, or behind the counter.\n•\tWorking as part of a fun, high-energy team.",
"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "•\tWelcoming customers, informing them about specials or new items, answering questions, and accepting orders and payments.\n•\tPreparing foods, such as sandwiches or baked goods, and grinding and blending coffee beans, brewing coffee and tea, and serving items to customers.\n•\tPackaging food and beverages for sale.\n•\tSelling coffee and tea blends and brewing equipment, highlighting the differences between items, and educating customers about brewing methods.\n•\tCleaning and restocking work and dining areas, emptying trash and sanitizing equipment and utensils.\n•\tLearning about brewing methods, beverage blends, food preparation, and presentation techniques to improve food quality.\n•\tUpdating signage and displays to attract customers.\n•\tTaking inventory and replenishing items in display cases, at tables, or behind the counter.\n•\tWorking as part of a fun, high-energy team.",
"areaLocation": "Jl. Tugu No.3, Kauman, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65119, Indonesia.(Jl. Tugu No.3, Kauman, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65119)",
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