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"jobDescriptionPrefixFmt": "PT SMY International Trade, is a Corporate Company founded 20 years ago in Jakata, Indonesia with already operating business units such asE-Commerce Retail Online Stores that operates on popular e-commerce platforms.F&B Chain StoresForeign Currency ExchangeAnd we are still growing with many future business unit under planning. To support the growth of the company, we are currently opening some Administration Staff Post to assist in day-to-day administration duties, this role will report to Senior Manager and will work as a team with other operation staffs. Accepted candidates are automatically considered as MANAGEMENT TRAINEE and will receive appropriate and necessary training from their superiors to ensure career advancementJob DescriptionDaily Clerical ActivitiesCustomer RelationsCustomer SatisfactionBasic Marketing (Business Unit Dependant)Assist in preparation of scheduled reportsMaintain filing system as set by managementResolve administrative issuesResearch and data preparations before business meets with clients/clienteleJob RequirementsExcellent in using Microsoft Office and Google WorkspaceMinimum Bachelor Degree1 years of working experience (Fresh Graduates are WELCOME)Excellent Proficiency in English and conversational Mandarin (is a MUST)Available for work Monday-Saturdays preferredPleasant personality with good work ethicsHunger for learning and improving oneselfAble to work independently or in a teamPlease submit your CV or contact me for further inquiries should you be interested in joining our company. Please Note that linguistic requirements are MANDATORY and we will respond your applications if it is met.Thank You, we await your applications, Cheers!",
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