Situs Pengusaha

Admin intern

PT Pick Arpu Technology
Jakarta Utara
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 01/11/2023 oleh Han Xu
Pengalaman kerja
1-5 tahun
Minimal SMA/MA
19-25 tahun
• Working closely with team members as well as other support functions to provide proactive and effective general administrative assistance across a diverse range of tasks
• Creating and managing and reporting all administration
• Tech Savvy
• Supporting and initiating
Skills Required
• You pay strong attention to detail and deliver work that is of a high standard
• You have good communication skills (both verbally and in writing)
• You are resilient and adaptable
• You are organised and have good interpersonal skills.
• You have good computer skills (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Office 365, spreadsheets).
• You have eager to learn
• You are able to work well in a team environment
• You have good customer service skills
• You are a strong team player who can manage multiple tasks
• You are highly goal driven and work well to meet deadlines and due dates.
Please only apply if you are serious and committed to going through an application process, with a few steps.
What's on Offer?
• Opportunities for personal growth and professional development
• Potential for future career opportunities within the or
Lokasi Kantor
Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT Pick Arpu Technology
Teknologi,Kurang dari 10 karyawan
Tiktok Livestreaming Talent Agency
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