Situs Pengusaha

Admin Project

Gaji Dapat Dinegosiasikan/bulan
Jakarta Selatan
Penuh Waktu
1 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 10/07/2023 oleh
Job Qualifications :Candidate must possess at least Bachelor DegreeMinimum has one year of working experience in related fieldHaving knowledge about IT Telecommunication will be advantagesHave good interpersonal and communication skillsAble to work individually or in a teamTenacious & agile person, able to work with tight targetsHaving high motivation and integrityHave strong skills in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)Can do financial report wellFluent in EnglishJob Description :Do administration task and needs of Project & Operation DepartmentManage operation project and office administration, stationery & transport fuelProcess cash receipt administration and realization of Business Travel Allowance Department Project & Operation TeamHandle ticket & hotel booking needs for Project & Operation Department TeamAssist and monitor report process and realization of the Project Unit Balikpapan & Surabaya Unit OfficeManage and do filing project’s document and other documents related to customer’s invoice and payments to vendorOther work assigned by Head of Project & Operation
Lokasi Kantor
Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta
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