Situs Pengusaha


PT. Aktuator Cipta Cendekia
Rp4.000.000 - 6.000.000/bulan
Jakarta Pusat
Penuh Waktu
2 lowongan
Ditayangkan pada 13/10/2023 oleh Pak Rizki
Consultants collaborate with clients to develop strategic plans that align with their business goals and objectives. They assess the organization’s current position, analyze market trends, identify growth opportunities, and provide recommendations for strategic initiatives.
Have a technical or STEM background
Interested in information technology, information system, governance and management
Interested in technical aspect as well as business development
Having good skill in documented information development, i.e. operating Ms Office applications especially Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
A bit understanding in generic IT frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, TOGAF, ISO 27001, or ISO 20000-1 will be a good thing but not mandatory
A bit understanding in app development, network management, and IT operation will be helpful, but again this is not mandatory as we can guide you through these matter
Willing to be placed in Jakarta with moderate trips outside the citys.
Lokasi Kantor
Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
Abouts Us
PT. Aktuator Cipta Cendekia
Lainnya,30-300 karyawan
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Jenderal Sudirman No.86, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10250, Indonesia)", "areaLocationNew": "Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta", "chatStatus": 2, "chatUpdateFmt": "Aktif 1 minggu yang lalu", "chatTime": 1692688856000, "distanceRange": null, "skillTags": null, "jobRequirementsV2": [], "privilegeJobType": 0, "urgentCouponFlag": 0, "urgentTip": null, "urgentButton": null, "urgentCouponValid": 0, "urgentJobLogo": "", "threeCategory": "215006001", "purchased": 0, "threeCategoryName": "Lainnya", "jobRequirementsV3": [], "jobRequirementsV4": null, "jsJobDetailShareH5Link": "", "jpJobDetialshareH5Link": "", "manSalaryRangeFmt": null, "assetInfoResList": null }